Helpful Info

I have been to Xinalani for seven experiences. Every time it has been smooth getting there. Flying to another country can be intimidating. I assure you the staff work hard to ensure the process of airport to the Retreat Center is smooth, safe, and simple.

Safety in Mexico

Xinalani is 45 minutes from Puerto Vallarta, a busy and highly visited tourist destination. While Xinalani is not on an island, it is only accessible by boat. As a result, the retreat center is in a beautifully isolated location, sharing the long coastline with the small fishing village of Quimixto and its welcoming residents. But don’t worry, you don’t need to find your way there. Once you land the Xinalani staff take over and handle all the rest.

What to do after clearing customs

Once you get through customs you will proceed through 2 rooms of timeshare people. After the second room you will be in the main airport Immediately on your left will be the VIP office where the representatives in bright pink blouses will bring you to your taxi. The taxi will drop you off at the Marina, where another Xinalani representative will have your name and be waiting for you. They will bring you to the Xinalani boat and 45 minutes later you will arrive at the dock near the retreat center. The retreat staff will meet you at the dock and carry your luggage to the retreat center where you will meet the reception staff. They then will carry your bags to your room once it has been assigned and you have your refreshing fresh juice drink. The entire process is handled for you by us. The same goes for your return to the airport.

You will just need to provide me with your ticket information so we can schedule all of the specifics.

Have other questions? Just send me a message.

Cost and Activities

Room cost, activities, amenities, and tentative schedule. Rise & Radiate is limited to 15 people.

What to expect

I have been to Xinalani seven times. After all those trips I have learned many things to make your life simpler.

About the Retreat

A quick introduction about Rise & Radiate

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