How to book your retreat and how to make partial payments
This is an entire walkthrough. For partial payments scroll to Step #8, otherwise start on Slide 1 for booking as well.
Step 1
First things first. In order to join a retreat you need to set up an account. This allows me to contact you for specifics, allows you to track payments, make payments, etc. Once you click on Login/Register(A) on the upper right hand of the menu (bottom option on most mobile menus) you follow the simple directions. Plug in your email and desired username. A link to set a new password will be emailed to you.
Step 2
Once you select the room option you want you will click Book (A). If you are booking for more than one person under the same account you can set the number of people here. if you forget the number of people can be changed later. The required deposit is per person and it will be automatically multiplied for more than 1.
NOTE: If you book and pay full price up front you automatically save $100 per person.
Step 4
In your cart you can see the total rooms booked (A) and you can also change the number of bookings per room if you forgot to book your partner, or you need to change it.
Additionally, you are able to review the subtotal and the remainder owed after the deposit (B).
NOTE: Tax is calculated on the next screen, the Checkout Page.
Step 5
On the Checkout page you will see the total for the current purchase + tax on that purchase. Remember, the tax is charged on each purchase instead of charging the entirety of the tax on the deposit. Here (A) you can see the deposit, now taxed and the remainder of the balance, not taxed until payment. That remainder can be paid all at once before the final due date or in partial payments. We’ll look at how to do a partial payment in the next Step 8.
Step 6
After making your initial payment (either Deposit or Full) you will see the payment confirmation screen. This confirms your payment made, the balance due, and reminder of the Final Payment Due Date. At this juncture regardless of how you have paid, I’ll call you within 24 hours to confirm booking personally and, if needed discuss your options for roomie if you are booking a double.
Otherwise, continue to the next step for Followup Payments and Partial Payments.
Step 7
When you are ready to make your Final Payment, your Partial Payment, or just want ot see how close you are to paying off your trip to paradise, Click My Account (A). You’ll need to login first if you aren’t already.
Then click on My Orders (B). This will show you your list of payments both already made and due.
Note: If you are checking on other bookings, such as Sound Baths or Private Yoga sessions you’ll click on Bookings. The My Orders Page tab is for Retreats.
Step 9
Once you click on Pay you can go ahead and pay the entire Balance Due if you would like. You’ll notice that it calculates the total remainder plus tax on the remainder. Otherwise you’ll scroll down just a little bit and you’ll see the Make a part payment options (A).
Remember, Partial Payments require a minimum of $150.
Type in the numerical amount that you would like to pay. In the example 300 is $300. The click Make Part Payment.
Step 10
You will then see the amount you decided to pay with tax calculated as well (A). Remember my Payment Processor rounds taxes both up and down. Under .50 cents rounds down, over round up.
You’ll then select the payment option you wish to use. In this example I have chosen Credit Card (B).
Finally, you’ll finalize your payment click Pay for Order (C).
Step 11
Next, You’ll see your Receipt Page with Subtotal, Tax, and Final Total for this payment (A).
It’s that easy. When you’re ready to Pay a New Payment simply revisit your My Account Page from Step 8.
I hope this helps. But if you have any issues, please feel free to reach out.