Wellness workshops are tailored to the specific needs of the organization by utilizing appropriate needs assessment tools, Public Health theories, and continuous quality improvement methods. An initial interview with leadership and key staff is the first step in creating an effective and comprehensive workshop. Pricing is highly variable for these services and are all consultation-based.

Workshops and conference presentations
  • Professional Development sessions on: Resiliency & Well-being; Trauma Diversity, & Inclusion Awareness; Suicide Prevention & Intervention for Educators and support staff.
  • Sustaining the Self: How not to pour from an empty cup
  • Monthly well-being group facilitation topics:
    • Wellness assessments
    • Mindfulness techniques
    • Guided breathwork
    • Guided meditations: Test Anxiety
    • Art and crafts for stress relief
Workshop target populations include:
  • Social Workers
  • Community health workers
  • Counselors
  • Behavioral health professionals
  • Medical providers 
  • Medical Residency students
  • Higher Education faculty, students and staff
  • High School teachers and administrators

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